Proceedings of The ADCS 2001 Conference
Preface by Anne-Marie Vercoustre and Judy Kay, Co-chairs
Invited Speaker
Re-Store: A System for Compressing, Browsing and Seraching Large Documents, Alistair Moffat, Melbourne University
Long papers
- Using the MarchDetectReveal System for Comparative Analysis of Texts,
Kristian Monostory, Arkady Zaslavsky and Alejandro Bia
- Tutor: support for scrutably personalised documents, Marek Czarkowski and Judy Kay
- A Hybrid Neural Network for Automated Classification, Samea A. Wood and Tamás D. Gedeon
- Foundations for personalised documents: a scrutable user Model Server, Kay, Kummerfeld, Lauder
- A Structured Ontology and Information Retrieval
Engine for Email Search & Discovery, Peter Eklund
- Automatic Induction of Rules for e-mail Classification, Crawford, Judy Kay and McCreath
Prospects for Document Retrieval Using Formal Concept Analysis, Peter Becker
Dynamic Content presentation, Nathalie Colineau, Cécile Paris, Stephen Wan
Short papers (presented as posters)
- Context aware Internet Access, Mark Burnett and Chris Chapman
- Personalisation for a Just-In-Time Organisational Training System, Judy Kay and Kalina Yacef
- Usability Experiments for Determining Document-Related Awareness
in Real-time Cooperative Editing, Minh Hong Tran, Gitesh K. Raikundalia and Yun Yang
- Fundations for building a digital sister-in-law: explicit building scrutable user models from critical reviews,
Sacha Groves and Judy Kay
- Representing Knowledge in Online Communities, Robert McArthur Peter Bruza
- Classifying Financial News With Neural Networks, Rafael A. Calvo
- Document selection in SITS, Sam Holden and Judy Kay
- Designing a Social Portal, Xu, T. Mansfield, N. Ward, G. McEwan, J. Siqueira, A. Wilkinson