ADCS2003 Paper Guidelines

Paper guidelines
Guidelines for Papers

Submitted papers must be in English, should be typed in two-column, single-spaced format, and must adhere to the word limits in the Call for Papers. They must include the author's name, affiliation and e-mail address, a 200 word abstract, and keywords identifying the paper's area. The keywords listed in the Call for Papers are preferred: 

  • Digital Libraries 
  • Document Databases 
  • Document Workflow 
  • Document Management 
  • Hypermedia 
  • Information Retrieval 
  • Multimedia Resource Discovery 
  • Document Standards (XML, SGML etc) 
Please download the sample text and sample LaTeX and BibTeX style files for ADCS 2002 as follows: 

The sample LaTeX file sample.tex which you should modify according to the instructions. 
The LaTeX style file sample.sty which is used by sample.tex 
The sample BibTeX style file sample.bst
A sample BibTeX bibliography sample.bib
The postscript version of the sample file

If possible, please use LaTeX. If you cannot, then you may use the word style file wordsty.doc but please ensure that it conforms 
to the guidelines, and the appearance is as close as possible to