The 21st Australasian Document Computing Symposium

Monash University, Melbourne, Australia

6-7 December 2016

Special Interest Group on
Information Retrieval

Topics of interest

The symposium topics include (but are not restricted to) the following:

  • Information retrieval theory and practice
  • Retrieval models and ranking
  • Web and social media information Retrieval
  • User modelling, user studies, user interaction and history
  • Interactive information retrieval, multimodal aspects and querying
  • Information retrieval system architectures and evaluation
  • Content representation and processing, semantic search, information extraction
  • Sentiment analysis, clustering, classification, topic models, facets
  • Cross-language retrieval, multilingual retrieval, machine translation for information retrieval
  • Natural language processing for search, summarization for information retrieval
  • Evaluation methods and metrics, building test collections, experimental design
  • Filtering and Recommending
  • Applications such as search applied to the Internet of Things
  • Digital libraries and mobile information retrieval
  • Medical, Genomic or Chemical structures information retrieval
  • legal information retrieval, patent search


All submissions must be original work, not previously published elsewhere, and not currently submitted to any other conference or journal. Electronic copies of accepted papers will be made available through the ACM Digital Library as part of the ICPS collection. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically, in PDF format and formatted using the ACM camera-ready templates available at: Full papers have a maximum of length of 8 pages including all references, and short papers have a maximum length of 4 pages including references. All submissions will be fully refereed using a double blind refereeing process, at their full published length, and will comply with DEST criteria for fully-refereed conference papers (category E1). Papers will be submitted using Easychair. Submission of a paper should be regarded as an undertaking that, should the paper be accepted, at least one of the authors will attend the symposium to present the work. Note also that it is insufficient for an author to register and pay for the symposium to be regarded as fulfilling this obligation. Authors of accepted papers will have to sign the ACM rights management form to comply with publication in the ACM digital library. For more information see the ACM authors page.

Posters, short papers and industry status reports

To encourage participation by industry and to provide a place for work of a more speculative nature, ADCS invites submissions for short papers, up to a maximum of four pages (around 2000 words). A typical proposal might describe a leading-edge solution to a practical problem in document management or search. Short papers follow the same format as for full papers.

Unrefereed Posters

This year all conference attendees are invited (but not required) to present a poster during a poster session. The poster session is designed to provide feedback on research in progress and we expect it to be most useful for PhD students to get early feedback on their research direction. Poster presenters will be able to submit an (unrefereed) abstract of up to 2 pages describing their research, which will be made available on the ADCS website, but not appear in ADCS proceedings.

Submission System

Full and short papers are to be submitting using easychair using the URL:

Paper Guidelines

Guidelines for Paper Submission

Please use the Latex or Word template files which are available on the ACM templates page.

All long and short paper submissions must be original work, not previously published elsewhere, and not currently submitted to any other conference or journal.

All long and short paper submissions must be anonymised for the reviewing process. Failing to do that, will mean a rejection without a review. To make your submission anoynymised you should NOT include: author names or institutuin details, author contact details, acknowledgements, ethics approval statements that include your institutions name or details, and self-citations (e.g., in our previous work [citation]).

Submissions that differ markedly in length or style from these guidelines risk being rejected without further consideration.

Format of the abstracts is the same as long and short papers. However, these submissions should not be anonymised. If they are already published elsewhere, you need to acknowledge the orginial publication in your references.

Guidelines for Camera-Ready Manuscript Preparation

Authors must follow ACM guidlines for preparation of their camera ready paper. The ISBN number assigned to ADCS '16 is 978-1-4503-4865-2. Authors MUST add the correct ACM rights management text to their paper. ACM provide the rights statement to authors after they complete their form.

In your final version, please include author names in full in the paper. Also, include authors affiliations and email addresses.

Full papers must be a maximum of 8 pages and short papers a maximum of 4 papges in ACM format.

Poster Instructions

Posters should be A0 (portrait orientation only) or A1 (portrait or landscape) size. Please note that there are no poster printing facilities at the conference venue.