24th Australasian Document Computing Symposium
5-6 December 2019, Sydney
The 24th Australasian Document Computing Symposium (ADCS 2019) ran at the University of Technology, Sydney, on 5-6 December 2019.
ADCS is an opportunity for researchers and practitioners in document computing and information retrieval (IR) to meet and present their work. The symposium aims to cover all aspects of Document Computing - issues ranging from the fundamentals of document architectures and standards for markup, through storage, management, retrieval, authentication and workflow, to active and virtual documents. The symposium emphasises both commercial and academic issues by encouraging a variety of submissions from both.
ADCS 2019 was an ACM SIGIR in-cooperation event and followed the ACM SIGIR Conference Code of Conduct.
ADCS 2019 was co-located with ALTA 2019, the 17th Annual Workshop of the Australasian Language Technology Association.
Proceedings of ADCS 2019 are available on the ACM digital library.
Thanks everyone for an interesting and entertaining meeting. See you in 2020!
UTS photo by Jorge Reyna