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Organizing Chair

Peter Bruza Queensland University of Technology

Program Co-Chairs

Amanda Spink Queensland University of Technology
Ross Wilkinson CSIRO

Program Committee

Vo Anh University of Melbourne
Peter Bailey CSIRO
Wray Buntine Helsinki Institute for Information Technology
Lawrence Cavedon RMIT University
Robert Dale Macquarie University
Peter Eklund University of Wollongong
Tomas Gedeon Australian National University
Shlomo Geva Queensland University of Technology
Baden Hughes University of Melbourne
Judy Kay University of Sydney
Mun Kew Leong Institute for Infocomm Research
Chris LuegUniversity of Tasmania
Rob McArthur CSIRO
Gitesh Raikundalia Victoria University
Andrew Trotmam University of Otago
Andrew Turpin RMIT University
Anne-Marie Vercoustre INRIA