Proceedings of The Twelfth Australasian Document Computing Symposium (ADCS2007)

Melbourne Zoo

Monday 10 December, 2007.

Front Matter

Front Matter, including table of contents, copyright pages, Preface, ISBN, and Keynote speech abstracts.


Multimedia Web Searching on a Meta-Search Engine
Dian Tjondronegoro and Amanda Spink (QUT) Bernard Jansen (Penn State University, PA) Short paper

Querying Image Ontology
Dayang Awang Iskandar, James Thom and Saied Tahaghoghi (RMIT University) Short paper

Does Brandname Influence Perceived Search Result Quality? Yahoo! Google, and WebKumara
Peter Bailey (CSIRO, Canberra) Paul Thomas (The ANU) David Hawking (CSIRO, Canberra) Short paper

Efficient Neighbourhood Estimation for Recommenders with Large Datasets
Li-Tung Weng, Yue Xu, Yuefeng Li and Richi Nayak (QUT) Short paper

Document Composition and Content Selection Evaluation
Shijian Lu (CSIRO, North Ryde) Short paper

A Comparison of Evaluation Measures Given How Users Perform on Search Tasks
James A. Thom and Falk Scholer (RMIT University) Short paper

Integration of Information Filtering and Data Mining Process for Web Information Retrieval
Xujuan Zhou, Yuefeng Li, Peter Bruza and Yue Xu (QUT) Short paper

A Framework for Measuring the Impact of Web Spam
Timothy Jones (The ANU) David Hawking (CSIRO, Canberra) Ramesh Sankaranarayana (The ANU) Short paper

Predicting Query Performance for User-Based Search Tasks
Ying Zhao and Falk Scholer (RMIT University) Short paper

Score Standardization for Robust Comparison of Retrieval Systems
William Webber and Alistair Moffat (The University of Melbourne) Justin Zobel (NICTA, Victoria) Full paper

IR Evaluation Using Multiple Assessors Per Topic
Andrew Trotman and Dylan Jenkinson (University of Otago) Full paper

On the Distribution of User Persistence for Rank-Biased Precision
Laurence Park and Yuye Zhang (University of Melbourne and NICTA Victoria) Full paper

Hybrid bitvector index compression
Alistair Moffat and Shane Culpepper (The University of Melbourne) Full paper

Source Code Authorship Attribution with n-Grams
Steven Burrows and Saied Tahaghoghi (RMIT University) Full paper

Search and navigation in structured document retrieval: comparison of user behaviour in search on document passages and XML elements
Gabriella Kazai (Microsoft Research, Cambridge) Full paper

Can requests-for-action and commitments-to-act be reliably identified in Email messages
Andrew Lampert and Cecile Paris (CSIRO, North Ryde) Robert Dale (Macquarie University) Full paper

Use of Wikipedia Categories in Entity Ranking
James A. Thom (RMIT University) Jovan Pehcevski and Anne-Marie Vercoustre (INRIA, France) Full paper

A Bottom-Up Term Extraction Approach for Web-Based Translation in Chinese-English IR Systems
Chengye Lu, Yue Xu and Shlomo Geva (Queensland University of Technology) Full paper

Automatic Thread Classification for Linux User Forum Information Access
Timothy Baldwin, David Martinez and Richard B. Penman (University of Melbourne) Full paper